About Reception
Holy Trinity is a two-form entry primary school, admitting 60 children to Reception each year. We follow the government's Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum framework.
Open Places and Foundation Places
30 of the 60 places are Open Places and these are open to all.
Up to 30 of the 60 places per year are available to Foundation Place applicants who regularly attend Christian churches and are able to demonstrate that they meet our Foundation Place criteria.
Please see our Admissions Policy ("Admissions Arrangements") at the bottom of the page for more information about how our places are allocated
Reception Entry in September 2025 - How and When to Apply
The application deadline for families of children with dates of birth between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 opens in September 2024 and will close on 15th January 2025.
Families wishing to apply only for an Open Place do not need to compete any additional school-specific forms. You simply need to list us as one of your 6 choices on your on-line application form.
Families wishing to apply for a Foundation place (in addition to the Open Place application) must complete a Holy Trinity Supplementary Form (sometimes informally referred to as the 'church reference form') and this is attached below. The deadline for returning the forms to the school will be 15th January 2025. Some churches pass completed forms directly to the school - please check your church's process with your minister. Late Supplementary Forms will be considered in September 2025.
We are aware that many local churches were closed during the Covid-19 pandemic, meaning that families were prevented from consistently attending church over the two year period required. Our governors have therefore written an addendum to our Admissions Policy which states that: "In the event that the church has been closed for public worship and has not provided alternative premises for that worship during the last 2 years, the requirement for attendance will only apply to the period when the church or alternative premises have been available for public worship".
Reception Entry in September 2025 - Open Days
If you will be applying for a place from September 2025, we look forward to welcoming you at one of our open days in the autumn of 2024. These Open Days will be held on the following days:
Thursday 19th September 2024 @ 9.30am
Thursday 17th October 2024 @ 9.30am
Thursday 7th November 2024 @ 9.30am
Thursday 28th November 2024 @ 9.30am
Thursday 9th January 2025 @ 9.30am
If You Have Questions...
If you have questions which are not answered by viewing our website, please contact our Headteacher, Izzy Rickards (headteacher@holytrinity.merton.sch.uk). We will be delighted to help.
Admissions Statistics
All distances are in metres.
Parents and carers who apply to Holy Trinity and are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal to an independent appeals panel following notification of the decision not to admit.
Appeals can be considered under two categories:
- that the admission arrangements did not comply with admissions law or were not correctly and impartially applied
- the decision not to offer was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of the case
Parents wishing to appeal should obtain an appeal form from the school (please email sbm@holytrinity.merton.sch.uk or telephone 020 8542 1591).
The completed appeal form should be sent to reach the Clerk of the Appeals Panel, care of the school, within the period for the making of appeals laid down by statute from time to time or if no period is laid down then within 20 school days of the date of the letter confirming the governors’ decision not to offer a place. The timetable for lodging an appeal will be attached as soon as Merton's appeals timetable has been confirmed (we follow the same timings). In the meantime, the appeals timetable for 2023-24 has been attached for your reference.
If you have any questions, please contact our School Business Manager (sbm@holytrinity.merton.sch.uk or telephone 020 8542 1591).